
Courtney in Wall Street Journal

Courtney in Wall Street Journal

High-Tech Planes, Supercomputers and Helitankers Help Fight Wildfires California Fire crews abandon hand-drawn maps for up-to-date information on phones to track and extinguish blazes faster. By Erin Allworth for The Wall Street Journal LOS PADRES NATIONAL FOREST,...

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Courtney Aviation on Linkedin

Courtney Aviation on Linkedin

Dispatches from Courtney Aviation on Linkedin July 2020 Seeing what you say in national news every day is strange. Incidental to mapping all SoCal fires, we produce an acreage count, usually around midnight. It's not why we are there, but no one else on the fire can...

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Analyzing Burned Vegetation?

Analyzing Burned Vegetation?

Recently we've been mapping burned vegetation now that the smoke has cleared. Our daytime flights have been one of the first times large fires have been regularly imaged during the day. NIROPS and others mostly fly at night, but our high resolution 16-bit depth...

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